HABITS of London C.I.C.

HABITS of London C.I.C. delivers innovative mindfulness-based programmes via 1:1 & groups, to support those experiencing adverse mental and emotional health, such as depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma & stress. Helen, founder & chief executive of HABITS, member of the BAME population with her own personal experience of mental health (MH), is a fully qualified BACP registered psychotherapist with 20 years’ experience in the field of MH & addiction. 
 MH disorders are rising exponentially & a contributory factor to this are health inequalities predominantly experienced by those from the BAME population. With very few African-Caribbean psychotherapists in the MH field, feedback highlights their need regarding identity, affinity & a deeper sense of cultural & historical understanding.
 Psychotherapy can be costly therefore inaccessible for those with financial constraints. The current cost of living crisis also means that more people are moving into poverty, consequentially suffering increased stress & anxiety, not having resources to invest in their mental wellbeing. South London Listens survey reported approximately 48% BAME didn’t know where to go for support & that 33% felt a lack of MH services to help them.
 Our Mindfulness-based group programmes train individuals to effectively manage stress, MH challenges & other life struggles in a space where they share experiences & affinity, helping also to reduce isolation & loneliness, as well as learning how to increase self-confidence, self-esteem, awareness & motivation.
 When engaging with HABITS, participants are empowered to regain control of their life. Given a platform to explore shared experiences, struggles & successes, they learn to develop tools, techniques & strategies within a safe, inclusive environment, that they can utilise long after the programmes have ended.

Website: https://www.habits.org.uk/

The Donup Rundown
Nonprofit size
Brockley, London
Registration year
Number of employees